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Back Pain, Sciatic Pain jeff conway-jones Back Pain, Sciatic Pain jeff conway-jones

Understanding Sciatic Pain: Causes, Duration, and Holistic Treatment Options

Discover what causes sciatic pain, how long it can last, and effective holistic treatment options including osteopathy. Learn about manual therapy, pain-free movement, and the limitations of traditional treatments. Take the first step towards relief today!

What Causes Sciatic Pain?
Sciatic pain, also known as sciatica, is typically caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body, which runs from the lower back down through the buttocks and into each leg. Several common conditions can lead to sciatic pain:

  1. Herniated Disc: When the gel-like center of a spinal disc protrudes through a tear in its outer layer, it can press on the nearby sciatic nerve roots, causing pain and discomfort.

  2. Spinal Stenosis: Narrowing of the spinal canal can put pressure on the sciatic nerve roots as they exit the spine, leading to sciatic pain, especially during activities that involve standing or walking.

  3. Piriformis Syndrome: The piriformis muscle, located in the buttocks, can sometimes compress or irritate the sciatic nerve, resulting in pain that radiates down the leg.

  4. Degenerative Disc Disease: Age-related wear and tear on the spinal discs can lead to disc degeneration, potentially causing sciatic pain due to decreased disc height and increased pressure on the nerve roots.

  5. Spinal Misalignment: Structural issues such as spinal misalignment or subluxations can disrupt the normal functioning of the spine and contribute to sciatic nerve compression.

  6. Trauma or Injury: Accidents, falls, or other traumatic events can injure the spine or surrounding tissues, leading to inflammation and pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Understanding the underlying cause of sciatic pain is crucial for determining the most effective treatment approach, which may include rest, physical therapy, medication, or in severe cases, surgical intervention.

How long can sciatic pain last?
The duration of sciatic pain can vary widely depending on its underlying cause, severity, and individual factors. In some cases, sciatic pain may resolve on its own within a few days or weeks with rest, gentle stretching, and over-the-counter pain medication. However, for others, sciatic pain may persist for several weeks or even months, especially if it's caused by conditions like a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or piriformis syndrome. Seeking timely medical evaluation and appropriate treatment from healthcare professionals, including osteopaths, physiotherapists, or physicians, can help manage symptoms and facilitate recovery. If sciatic pain persists or worsens despite conservative treatments, further medical interventions such as injections or surgery may be considered.

How long it lasts, greatly relies on what you do to relieve pain. Here are some things you can do to decrease the time you are affected by sciatic pain:

  • Pain-free movement - any movement that you can tolerate, that does not make the pain worse is perfect (walking, swimming, yoga etc.)

  • Manual Therapy modalites - Osteopathy, Massage Therapy, Kinesiology, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture can all play a part in ensuring that you are back to your normal abilities as soon as possible.

  • DO NOT BECOME IMMOBILE - if you are scared to move see a professional that can facilitate safe and progressive exercise to get you back to feeling your best.

The Limitations of Traditional Treatments

Traditional approaches to managing sciatic pain often involve medication to alleviate symptoms or surgery to address underlying structural issues. While these methods may offer temporary relief, they often fail to address the root cause of the pain, leaving patients vulnerable to recurrence or ongoing discomfort. This is where osteopathy steps in, offering a different perspective on healing.

The Osteopathic Approach to Sciatic Pain

Osteopathy views the body as a dynamic system, interconnected and capable of self-healing when given the right support. Rather than simply treating symptoms, osteopathic practitioners seek to understand the underlying imbalances or dysfunctions contributing to the pain. Through a combination of hands-on techniques, including spinal manipulation, visceral manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and gentle stretching exercises, osteopathy aims to restore balance, alleviate tension, and promote the body's innate ability to heal itself. Osteopathy offers a comprehensive approach to treating sciatic pain, which stems from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, often resulting in discomfort, numbness, or tingling sensations radiating from the lower back down the leg. Osteopaths employ various manual techniques to address the underlying causes of sciatic pain, including spinal manipulation to realign the vertebrae and alleviate pressure on the nerve roots, soft tissue massage to release tension in surrounding muscles and improve blood flow, and targeted stretching exercises to enhance flexibility and reduce nerve impingement. By addressing both the structural imbalances and muscular tensions contributing to sciatic pain, osteopathy aims to relieve symptoms, restore normal function, and promote long-term relief, empowering individuals to regain mobility and quality of life. Additionally, osteopaths often provide guidance on posture correction, ergonomic adjustments, and lifestyle modifications to prevent future episodes of sciatic pain.

Your Path to Healing Starts Here

If you're tired of living with sciatic pain and ready to explore a holistic approach to healing, we invite you to discover the transformative benefits of osteopathy. Visit our website to learn more about our practice and how osteopathy can help you find freedom from sciatica. With convenient online booking available, scheduling your appointment with Jeff is quick and easy—so you can take the first step towards relief today.

Don't let sciatic pain hold you back any longer. Embrace the healing power of seeing and osteopath victoria and reclaim your vitality and well-being. Together, we can journey towards a future free from the grip of pain.

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Sciatic Pain, Pelvic Health, Back Pain, Post-Partum jeff conway-jones Sciatic Pain, Pelvic Health, Back Pain, Post-Partum jeff conway-jones

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction healing | Osteopath Victoria, BC

Explore the comprehensive guide to pelvic floor wellness in Langford, BC. Learn how Osteopathy complements pelvic floor physiotherapy, offering a holistic approach to restoring balance and function. Discover the benefits of Osteopathic Manual Therapy for urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction, and bowel issues.

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a common yet often misunderstood condition that can significantly impact one's quality of life. From urinary incontinence to pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction, the symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction can vary widely, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. Mainstream knowledge of this is growing thanks to pelvic floor physiotherapy but that is not the only thing you can do for your pelvic floor health. In Langford, BC there are pelvic floor physiotherapists whose patients could experience even better result when combined with Osteopathic Manual Therapy. In this guide, we'll explore what pelvic floor dysfunction entails and how Osteopathy offers a holistic approach to restoring balance and function to this vital area of the body.

The pelvic floor is a complex network of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that support the bladder, uterus, and rectum. Dysfunction in this area can occur due to a variety of factors, including childbirth, trauma, chronic stress, or musculoskeletal imbalances. Common symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction include:

  • Urinary incontinence: The involuntary leakage of urine.

  • Pelvic pain: Discomfort or pain in the pelvic region.

  • Sexual dysfunction: Difficulty with sexual function or pain during intercourse.

  • Bowel issues: Difficulty with bowel movements or fecal incontinence.

How Osteopathy Can Help?:

Osteopathy offers a holistic approach to pelvic floor dysfunction, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of the condition. Osteopathic manual practitioners are trained to assess the musculoskeletal system as a whole, including the pelvic region. Through gentle manual techniques, they aim to:

  1. Restore muscle balance and function: Osteopathic manipulation can help release tension and tightness in the pelvic floor muscles, promoting better muscle coordination and function.

  2. Improve pelvic alignment: Misalignments in the pelvis can contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction. Osteopathic adjustments can help realign the pelvis and reduce strain on the surrounding structures. An example of this would be an upslip of the innominate (iliac), more info on that can be found in one of our earlier blog posts linked here.

  3. Enhance circulation and nerve function: Osteopathic techniques can improve blood flow and nerve signaling to the pelvic area, supporting the body's natural healing processes.

  4. Address related issues: Osteopathy takes a comprehensive approach to health, considering how other factors such as posture, digestion, and stress may contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction. Osteopathic treatment may include lifestyle recommendations and exercises to address these issues.

Experience the Benefits of Osteopathy: If you're struggling with pelvic floor dysfunction, Osteopathy offers a gentle and effective approach to restoring balance and function to your pelvic region. Whether you're dealing with urinary issues, pelvic pain, or sexual dysfunction, Osteopathic manual treatment can provide relief and support your journey to wellness.

At Align Integrative Health, our experienced Osteopathic manual practitioners are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal pelvic floor health. Let Osteopathy empower you to live life to the fullest, free from the constraints of pelvic floor dysfunction.


Osteopathic treatment of women suffering from urinary incontinence following an injury to the perineum during delivery: A randomized controlled trial


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Concussions, Headaches jeff conway-jones Concussions, Headaches jeff conway-jones

Concussion Pain Relief: See an Osteopath Victoria for Relief of Symptoms

Embark on Your Concussion Recovery Journey with Osteopathic Treatment in Langford, BC. Explore Evidence-Backed Insights and Holistic Approaches Tailored to Your Healing Needs. Learn How OMT Can Alleviate Symptoms and Restore Balance for Enhanced Well-Being. Dive into Our Comprehensive Guide Today

Osteopathy for Concussion Symptoms Langford, BC

Understanding Concussion Symptoms:

Following a concussion, individuals may experience a range of symptoms that can vary in severity and onset. These symptoms include:

  1. Headache: Persistent or throbbing headaches are common.

  2. Confusion: Feeling disoriented or having difficulty concentrating.

  3. Memory Loss: Forgetfulness or gaps in memory.

  4. Nausea or Vomiting: Feeling queasy or vomiting.

  5. Dizziness or Balance Issues: Feeling unsteady or having trouble balancing.

  6. Sensitivity to Light or Noise: Bright lights or loud sounds may worsen symptoms.

  7. Fatigue: Excessive tiredness or low energy levels.

  8. Sleep Disturbances: Changes in sleep patterns, difficulty falling asleep, or oversleeping.

  9. Irritability: Increased irritability or mood changes.

  10. Visual Disturbances: Blurred vision or seeing "stars."

After seeking immediate care from a physician or physiotherapist to diagnose and evaluate the concussion, it’s important to seek out modalities to help speed up recovery. Search Osteopath Victoria to see someone in your area.

Understanding Osteopathy's Role:

Osteopathy can be used in the weeks following a concussion. Focusing on restoring balance within the body's structure to promote overall health and well-being. Osteopathy addresses imbalances and restrictions that may arise within the musculoskeletal system, skull, and spine. Chronically, long-standing symptoms from concussions can also be addressed:

  • Migraines and headaches

  • Brain fog

  • Eye pain

  • Neck tension

  • Vertigo

Evidence of OMT's Efficacy:

Studies have shown the effectiveness of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) in managing concussion symptoms and promoting recovery. Research published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association highlights the positive outcomes of OMT in reducing concussion symptoms such as; headache; pressure in the head; blurred vision; sensitivity to light; feeling in a fog; difficulty concentrating; fatigue or low energy; irritability; headache intensity and frequency post-concussion. Access these studies below:

Gentle Restoration:

Osteopathic techniques aim to gently restore alignment and mobility, facilitating the body's natural healing processes. By addressing areas of tension and restriction, Osteopathy supports optimal cranial and spinal function.

Alleviating Symptoms:

Persistent headaches, neck stiffness, and overall discomfort are common challenges post-concussion. Osteopathic treatment offers a non-invasive approach to alleviate these symptoms, promoting relaxation and reducing tension.

Tailored Approach:

Each individual's journey through concussion recovery is unique, and Osteopathic treatment is tailored to address specific needs and concerns. Osteopaths work closely with patients, crafting personalized treatment plans to support their overall health and recovery.

Discover the transformative potential of seeing an Osteopath Victoria, BC at Align Integrative Health in Langford, BC.

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jeff conway-jones jeff conway-jones

Understanding Back Pain Causes and Overcoming Back Pain: A Comprehensive Approach

Discover potential causes and effective holistic approaches to heal back pain in Langford, BC. From osteopathy's whole-body approach to acupuncture's energy stimulation, massage therapy's tension release, and athletic therapy's rehabilitation, find relief and promote healing. Learn how each modality targets back pain causes like muscle strain, herniated discs, and degenerative conditions.

Back pain affects almost everyone at some point in their life, impacting daily activities and diminishing quality of life. Whether it's due to poor posture, muscle strain, injury, or underlying conditions, the discomfort can be debilitating. Fortunately for people in Langford BC, there are holistic approaches to address back pain effectively, including osteopathy, acupuncture, massage therapy, and athletic therapy. Let's delve into how each modality can provide relief and promote long-term healing.

Back pain can manifest in various forms, ranging from dull aches to sharp, shooting pains. It may originate from muscles, nerves, bones, or even your organs. Common causes include:

  • Long-term Digestive Issues

  • Muscle strain or sprain

  • Herniated discs

  • Degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis

  • Traumatic injuries

  • Overuse or repetitive movements

Osteopathy: Osteopathic practitioners take a whole-body approach to healthcare, focusing on restoring balance and functionality. Through manual techniques such as joint mobilization, muscle energy technique, and soft tissue manipulation, osteopathy aims to improve spinal alignment, reduce muscle tension, and enhance circulation. By addressing underlying dysfunctions, osteopathy not only alleviates back pain but also promotes overall wellness. Osteopath Victoria BC - Book now

Acupuncture: Acupuncture, a key component of traditional Chinese medicine, involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote healing. For back pain, acupuncture targets meridian points associated with pain relief and relaxation. Research suggests that acupuncture may help reduce inflammation, release endorphins, and modulate pain signals, making it an effective adjunct therapy for managing chronic back pain.

Massage Therapy: Massage therapy offers both physical and psychological benefits for individuals with back pain. By kneading and manipulating soft tissues, massage helps release tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. Different techniques, such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and myofascial release, can target specific areas of discomfort. Regular massage therapy sessions can enhance flexibility, reduce muscle stiffness, and alleviate chronic back pain.

Athletic Therapy: Athletic therapy focuses on the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries, including those affecting the back. Certified athletic therapists employ a combination of manual therapy techniques, exercise prescription, and modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation to address pain and dysfunction. Through tailored rehabilitation programs, athletic therapy aims to restore optimal function, improve biomechanics, and prevent future injuries.

Back pain can significantly impact daily life, but it doesn't have to be a lifelong struggle. By incorporating holistic therapies such as osteopathy, acupuncture, massage therapy, and athletic therapy into your wellness routine, you can find relief and support long-term healing. Whether you're dealing with acute or chronic back pain, consult with qualified healthcare professionals to explore personalized treatment options and reclaim your comfort and mobility. Remember, proactive self-care and a comprehensive approach are key to overcoming back pain and enjoying a healthier, happier life.

All of these services are available at Align Integrative Health in Langford, BC.

Book in now !

Keywords; osteopath victoria, osteopath langford, massage langford, massage victoria, acupuncture langford

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jeff conway-jones jeff conway-jones

Long Term Consequences of Neglected Physical Issues

Discover the critical importance of addressing minor physical issues promptly to prevent long-term health complications. Learn about compensatory mechanisms, cumulative impact, and proactive measures to maintain wellness. Book your session for Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Massage, or Athletic Therapy now in Langford, BC.

Small physical issues over the long term can indeed escalate and contribute to more significant problems later in life. Here’s how:

1. Compensatory Mechanisms: When the body encounters minor issues, it often adapts through compensatory mechanisms. While these adaptations may help in the short term, they can lead to imbalances or overuse of certain structures, putting additional stress on them.

2. Cumulative Impact: Small issues, if left unaddressed, can accumulate over time. What starts as a minor discomfort or misalignment may gradually lead to wear and tear on joints, muscles, or connective tissues.

3. Altered Movement Patterns: The body is remarkably adaptable, but it can also develop altered movement patterns to accommodate discomfort or pain. Over time, these altered patterns can lead to improper loading and increased stress on specific areas.

4. Inflammation and Tissue Damage: Chronic, low-grade inflammation can result from persistent minor issues. Inflammation is the body’s response to injury, and if it becomes chronic, it can contribute to tissue damage and degeneration.

5. Impact on Joint Health: Small misalignments or irregularities in joint movement can lead to joint degeneration over time. This can manifest as arthritis or other joint-related issues later in life.

6. Neuromuscular Changes: Prolonged physical issues can affect the nervous system, leading to changes in muscle coordination and function. This, in turn, can contribute to muscle imbalances and weaknesses.

7. Compromised Structural Integrity: The body is an interconnected system, and issues in one area can affect the overall structural integrity. For example, problems with the feet or lower limbs can impact posture and spinal alignment.

8. Psychosocial Impact: Persistent physical issues can have psychosocial effects, contributing to stress, anxiety, and a decreased quality of life. Mental health factors can influence physical health outcomes.

Addressing small physical issues promptly through preventive measures, proper rehabilitation, and regular health check-ups is crucial. Proactive steps, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and seeking professional advice for minor discomforts, can play a significant role in preventing the escalation of these issues into more significant health problems later in life.

Regular Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Massage, and Athletic Therapy visits can help prevent long-term issues from arising. Even 1 treatment every 1-3 months can make a difference. Book in now at Align Integrative Health in Langford, BC to see the results!

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jeff conway-jones jeff conway-jones

Osteopathy: A Holistic Approach to Health and Well-being

Osteopathy, a patient-centered manual therapy, is a safe and effective approach that aligns with the body’s natural mechanisms to restore balance and optimal health. This therapy recognizes the intimate connection between the body’s functionality and its structure. It emphasizes the need for all parts of the body to work in harmony to sustain health. By addressing the person as a whole, osteopathy aims to enhance not only structure and function but also overall health and well-being.

Osteopathic Practitioners employ skilled palpation and manual techniques to influence muscles, joints, nerves, connective tissue, circulation, and internal organs. This approach supports the body’s innate ability to restore and maintain health.

Osteopathic Practitioners are healthcare professionals who have completed extensive training in osteopathic manual practice and theory. They study in the human sciences, the interconnectedness of all bodily systems, and the art of promoting alignment, organic function, neurovascular health, and circulation of all body fluids. Specifically, practitioners that are members of Osteopathy BC have completed a minimum of a 4-year diploma with hands on instruction. Jeff has recently graduated from the Canadian School of Osteopathy with a Diploma of Osteopathy Manual Practice and is currently in the process of registering with Osteopathy BC.

While using a holistic approach to assess and treat their patients, taking into account their physical, emotional, and environmental factors, Osteopathic Practitioners cater to individuals of all ages, from newborns to seniors. Whether you're grappling with pain or dysfunction, or simply seeking preventive measures to enhance your well-being, Osteopathy offers assistance.

Osteopathic Practitioners are proficient in addressing a diverse array of conditions, such as:

- Neck and back pain and tension

- Headaches

- Sleep or energy issues

- Sports injuries

- Concussion

- Injuries from car accidents

- Repetitive strain injuries

- Joint or muscle pain

- Digestive, respiratory, or menstrual problems

- Pre and post-natal support

- Jaw dysfunction

Osteopathy is a drug-free and surgery-free approach that optimizes the body's innate ability to heal itself and achieve equilibrium. The benefits encompass:

- Pain relief

- Increased range of motion

- Enhanced circulation

- Trauma healing

- Hormonal balance

- Reduced stress and tension

- Improved posture

Osteopathic Practitioners view the body as a unified functional entity. We appreciate the body's inherent ability to heal itself and are equipped to support this potential through an array of manual techniques. We concentrate on the interplay between the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, circulation, connective tissue, and internal organs.

Jeff will be seeing new patients (including pediatric patients) here at Align Integrative Health in Langford, BC. We are located right above Willowbrae Childcare Academy, in the Millstream Centre across Veterans Memorial Parkway from the Langford RCMP.

Click here to book in for Osteopath Victoria Jane app.

Keywords; osteopath victoria, osteopath langford

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jeff conway-jones jeff conway-jones

Navigating Healing After an ICBC Car Accident: A Guide to Treatments

Car accidents, especially those resulting in ICBC claims, often lead to lasting physical and emotional challenges. Prioritizing well-being post-accident is paramount. Explore a diverse range of therapeutic treatments tailored for individuals recovering from ICBC car accidents.

1. Kinesiology and Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Recovery: Discover how kinesiologists and physiotherapists collaborate to accelerate physical recovery and enhance quality of life by addressing specific movement impairments.

2. Massage Therapy for Soft Tissue Healing: Learn how massage therapy, whether Swedish or deep tissue, provides transformative relief for common soft tissue injuries after car accidents.

3. Chiropractic Care for Spinal Alignment: Understand the pivotal role chiropractors play in restoring spinal alignment, relieving pain, and enhancing overall well-being through tailored treatment plans.

4. Acupuncture for Pain Management: Explore the ancient healing practice of acupuncture and its efficacy in natural pain relief, particularly in the context of ICBC car accidents.

5. Psychological Support and Counselling: Recognize the importance of seeking psychological support for holistic recovery, with specialized therapists aiding in navigating emotional distress and providing coping strategies.

6. Occupational Therapy for Functional Recovery: Delve into how occupational therapy facilitates the restoration of daily functioning and independence, including adaptive strategies for managing pain.

7. Collaborative Approach to Care: Learn why a multidisciplinary approach involving various healthcare professionals ensures a comprehensive and tailored plan for recovery.

Healing from an ICBC car accident involves addressing the whole person, from physical recovery to emotional well-being. Explore these therapeutic avenues to reclaim your health and well-being on this multifaceted journey. Your recovery is a mosaic, with each therapeutic modality contributing to your healing.

Car accidents can be traumatic experiences that leave lasting physical and emotional impacts. In the aftermath, prioritizing your well-being becomes paramount. Let's explore the range of therapeutic treatments available in Langford, BC through ICBC injury claim coverage to individuals recovering from car accidents.

1. Kinesiology and Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Recovery:

In the aftermath of an ICBC accident, kinesiology plays a pivotal role in the rehabilitation process. Kinesiologists, equipped with a deep understanding of human movement, biomechanics, and exercise physiology, collaborate with individuals recovering from motor vehicle accidents. These specialists assess the impact of injuries sustained and design personalized rehabilitation programs to address specific movement impairments. By incorporating targeted exercises and therapeutic interventions, kinesiology helps patients regain strength, flexibility, and overall functional capacity. This tailored approach not only accelerates physical recovery but also enhances the individual's quality of life post-accident. Kinesiologists serve as integral members of the healthcare team, contributing expertise that proves essential in the comprehensive rehabilitation journey following an ICBC-related incident. In addition, Physiotherapy plays a pivotal role in the rehabilitation process post-car accident. Skilled physiotherapists assess and address musculoskeletal issues, promoting optimal function and mobility. From gentle exercises to targeted interventions, physiotherapy aids in reducing pain and restoring normal movement.

2. Massage Therapy for Soft Tissue Healing:

Soft tissue injuries are common in car accidents. Massage therapy emerges as a soothing remedy, alleviating tension, reducing inflammation, and promoting circulation. Whether it's Swedish massage for relaxation or deep tissue massage for targeted healing, the hands-on approach of massage therapy can be transformative.

3. Acupuncture for Range of Motion and Pain Management:

Acupuncture, rooted in ancient healing traditions, is increasingly recognized for its efficacy in pain management. Fine needles are strategically placed to stimulate energy flow and release endorphins, offering natural pain relief. In the context of ICBC car accidents, acupuncture can be a valuable complement to conventional treatments.

4. Chiropractic Care for back pain:

The impact of a car accident can damage the spine, leading to discomfort and restricted movement. Chiropractic care focuses on spinal adjustments to temporarily restore mobility, relieve pain, and enhance overall well-being. Chiropractors work closely with individuals to create tailored treatment plans addressing specific post-accident care.

5. Psychological Support and Counselling:

The aftermath of a car accident can trigger emotional distress and mental health challenges. Seeking psychological support and counseling is essential for holistic recovery. Therapists specializing in trauma can help individuals navigate the emotional aftermath, providing coping strategies and support.

6. Occupational Therapy for Functional Recovery:

Occupational therapy focuses on restoring daily functioning and independence. Individuals recovering from car accidents may benefit from occupational therapy to regain skills and confidence in activities of daily living. This can include adaptive strategies for managing pain and enhancing overall quality of life.

7. Collaborative Approach to Care:

In many cases, a multidisciplinary approach is most effective. Collaborative care involving physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and other healthcare professionals ensures a comprehensive and tailored plan for recovery.

Healing from an ICBC car accident involves more than just physical recovery; it's about addressing the whole person. From restoring mobility and managing pain to navigating emotional well-being, a spectrum of therapeutic treatments is available to support individuals on their journey to recovery. If you've experienced an ICBC car accident, don't hesitate to explore these therapeutic avenues to reclaim your health and well-being. Remember, your recovery is a multifaceted journey, and each therapeutic modality contributes to the mosaic of your healing.

All of our modalities provide direct billing for ICBC claims:

  • Registered Massage Therapy

  • Registered Acupuncture

  • Kinesiology

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jeff conway-jones jeff conway-jones

Unlocking Healing Potential: Craniosacral Therapy and Concussion Recovery

At the core of Craniosacral Therapy is the recognition of the craniosacral system, a network of membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. When a concussion occurs, this delicate system may experience imbalances, leading to a cascade of physical and neurological effects.

In the intricate tapestry of holistic healing, Craniosacral Therapy emerges as a gentle yet profound ally in the journey of concussion recovery. 🧠✨

Common symptoms of a concussion can vary and may not always be immediately apparent. They can include:

1. Headache: Persistent or throbbing headaches are a frequent symptom.

2. Confusion: Feeling disoriented, foggy, or having difficulty concentrating.

3. Memory Loss: Forgetfulness or gaps in memory around the time of the injury.

4. Nausea or Vomiting: Feeling queasy or actually vomiting.

5. Dizziness or Balance Issues: Feeling unsteady or having trouble maintaining balance.

6. Sensitivity to Light or Noise: Bright lights or loud sounds may exacerbate symptoms.

7. Fatigue: Feeling excessively tired or having low energy levels.

8. Sleep Disturbances: Changes in sleep patterns, including difficulty falling asleep or sleeping more than usual.

9. Irritability: Increased irritability or changes in mood.

10. Visual Disturbances: Blurred vision or seeing “stars.”

It’s crucial to note that symptoms may not always appear immediately after the injury. In some cases, they might surface hours or days later. If you suspect a concussion, it’s important to seek medical attention (doctor or physiotherapist) promptly for a proper diagnosis and appropriate care. Additionally, anyone experiencing severe symptoms such as loss of consciousness, seizures, or worsening symptoms over time should seek emergency medical attention.

Understanding the Connection:

At the core of Craniosacral Therapy is the recognition of the craniosacral system, a network of membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. When a concussion occurs, this delicate system may experience imbalances, leading to a cascade of physical and neurological effects.

Gentle Harmonization:

Craniosacral Therapy employs a light-touch approach to address restrictions and promote the natural flow of cerebrospinal fluid. This gentle touch aims to harmonize the craniosacral rhythm, easing tension and supporting the body's innate ability to heal.

Alleviating Tension and Discomfort:

For those navigating the aftermath of a concussion, persistent headaches, neck stiffness, and overall discomfort can be formidable challenges. Craniosacral Therapy offers a non-invasive avenue to alleviate these symptoms by releasing tension and encouraging relaxation.

Facilitating Mind-Body Connection:

Beyond its physical benefits, Craniosacral Therapy embraces the holistic connection between mind and body. The therapeutic touch fosters a profound sense of calm, supporting mental well-being and assisting individuals in coping with the emotional aspects of concussion recovery.

Tailored Sessions for Individual Needs:

Each concussion is unique, and so is every Craniosacral Therapy session. Therapists work closely with individuals, crafting sessions that address specific concerns and contribute to an overall sense of balance and vitality.

Complementary to Traditional Approaches:

Craniosacral Therapy complements conventional medical approaches to concussion recovery. By integrating this gentle therapy into a comprehensive care plan, individuals may experience enhanced well-being, improved resilience, and a smoother path to recovery.

Embark on a Journey of Healing:

For those seeking a holistic approach to concussion recovery, Craniosacral Therapy beckons as a gentle guide toward healing. 🌿💆‍♂️ Whether you're navigating the immediate aftermath of a concussion or dealing with lingering symptoms, consider the therapeutic practice of Craniosacral Therapy as a pathway to managing your concussion recovery.

Visit Jeff at Align Integrative Health in Langford, BC.

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jeff conway-jones jeff conway-jones

The Marvels of Acupuncture Facials: A Natural Path to Rejuvenation

The Marvels of Acupuncture Facials: A Natural Path to Rejuvenation


In the realm of beauty and wellness, acupuncture facials have been gaining significant attention for their ability to rejuvenate the skin and enhance overall well-being. Combining the ancient practice of acupuncture with modern skincare techniques, acupuncture facials offer a unique and holistic approach to achieve a youthful, radiant complexion. By stimulating specific points on the face and body, these treatments offer a myriad of benefits, both internally and externally. Let's delve into the remarkable advantages of acupuncture facials and why they are becoming increasingly popular among individuals seeking natural and effective skincare solutions.

1. Enhanced Circulation and Collagen Production

One of the key benefits of acupuncture facials is their ability to improve blood circulation and stimulate collagen production. By inserting fine, sterile needles into specific acupuncture points on the face, the treatment increases blood flow, which nourishes the skin cells and improves oxygenation. Improved circulation results in a natural glow and a more youthful appearance. Additionally, the microtrauma caused by the needles prompts the skin to produce collagen and elastin, leading to firmer, plumper skin and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles over time.

2. Reduced Muscle Tension and Facial Tightness

Daily stress and tension can cause facial muscles to become tight, leading to a tired, aged appearance. Acupuncture facials address this issue by targeting the facial muscles and releasing built-up tension. By inserting needles into specific acupoints, the treatment promotes muscle relaxation, reducing facial tightness and promoting a more relaxed and refreshed look. This muscle relaxation also helps to alleviate common concerns such as jaw clenching, forehead creases, and frown lines, resulting in a smoother, more relaxed appearance.

3. Improved Skin Tone and Texture

Uneven skin tone and texture are common concerns for many individuals. Acupuncture facials can help address these issues by promoting a balanced flow of energy and addressing underlying imbalances within the body. The treatment stimulates the body's natural healing response, encouraging the regeneration of skin cells and the removal of toxins. As a result, skin tone becomes more even, and the texture improves, leaving behind a smoother, more youthful complexion.

4. Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Apart from its cosmetic benefits, acupuncture facials also provide a deeply relaxing and calming experience. The process of receiving an acupuncture facial involves lying down in a serene environment, where you can unwind and let go of daily stresses. The insertion of acupuncture needles into specific points on the face and body helps to balance the body's energy, promoting a sense of tranquility and reducing stress levels. This relaxation not only benefits the mind but also reflects on the face, contributing to a more serene and youthful appearance.

5. Non-Invasive and Natural

Acupuncture facials offer a non-invasive alternative to invasive cosmetic procedures, such as facelifts or injections. Instead of resorting to artificial substances or surgical interventions, acupuncture facials work with the body's innate healing abilities, harnessing its natural potential to restore and rejuvenate. The treatment uses fine needles that are inserted gently into the skin, causing minimal discomfort. It is a safe and effective method that carries no risk of scarring or adverse side effects, making it suitable for individuals with various skin types and concerns.


Acupuncture facials present a compelling blend of ancient wisdom and modern skincare techniques, providing a natural and holistic approach to facial rejuvenation. By enhancing circulation, promoting collagen production, reducing muscle tension, improving skin tone and texture, and inducing relaxation, these treatments offer a range of benefits for both the skin and overall well-being. If you are seeking a non-invasive, effective, and natural way to revitalize your skin and restore its youthful radiance, acupuncture facials may be the ideal solution for you. Embrace the power of this ancient practice and embark on a rejuvenating journey towards a more vibrant and glowing complexion.

Facial Acupuncture Sessions are available with Amanda Conway-Jones and are covered under direct billing if you have Acupuncture coverage.

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jeff conway-jones jeff conway-jones

UPSLIP: What is it and why does it happen?

Co-occurring issues could be IT band syndrome, Runner’s knee, Hamstring tendonopathy. As an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, I utilize a combination of Muscle Energy Technique (MET), direct reciprocal tension techniques, and joint mobilization’s to restore proper physiological movement to the innominate.

Upslip is when the innominate (hip) becomes stuck in an elevated position, resulting in excessive stiffness in the low back/hip area and short-lived relief from stretching. Symptoms include tightness or soreness in the quadratus lumborum (low back), hip flexors, hamstrings, adductors (groin), and gluteus maximus, and weakness in the hip flexors, adductors, and gluteus medius. Co-occurring issues could be IT band syndrome, Runner’s knee, Hamstring tendonopathy. Upslip could also cause a functional leg length discrepancy, leading to one side being more sore and tender than the other during workouts. Additional symptoms may include pain inside the knee when squatting or going up stairs, one-sided sacroiliac joint pain, and hip impingement or clicking. The causes of upslip can range from traumatic injuries to fascial adhesions in the abdominal-pelvic area, which may be due to digestive issues or abdominal surgeries like an appendectomy or caesarean.

Treatment for upslip varies based on individual symptoms. A thorough patient history and biomechanical assessment are conducted to determine the appropriate treatment. As an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, I utilize a combination of Muscle Energy Technique (MET), direct reciprocal tension techniques, and joint mobilization’s to restore proper physiological movement to the innominate. Depending on the underlying issues, treatment may require 2-5 sessions, sometimes more depending on the cause and how long the issue has been happening. At Align Integrative Health we have a variety of modalities to alleviate and treat low back pain.

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